last night was official, i cant stress enough how official it was. thanks to my homeboy xavier i made it out to NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH a film put together by nike sb and pro skaters, of course DADE was there holding it down as always. the film was great had some good comedy and should totally be watched. props

after the party its the after party ( i know that line is old but whatever)

this is what we call a fucking bbq party. franki chan and toxic avenger with dj orange dubs and deuce crew was fucking awesome. the best thing since fried bread. i cant stress that enough. thanks to everyone for the fun. jake, xavier, franki, toxi, orange, joel, nastie, meghan, everyone else, my mom
and sparks

stravinsky holding down the satanic outside, with the open format.

mike deuce holding it down inside with the boom tchak

this is what it looks like when u sit down and drink sparks behind the dj booth.

special apperance by treasures.

some guy with this cool shirt. i love this movie. weirded out by it tho cuz its always looking at you.

ping fucking pong. u cant see him but tao is doing the matrix moves in this

its starting to beef up inside

jake jefferson and toxic avenger!!!!!

dj juanito aka plot!!!! trying to look like hes busy

thats the ghost of christmas bentons shirt,

and the offical ghost of christmas benton. with dj juanito pushing knobs

franki chan with his super lightning fast turntableismhism

aric trying to give us free death. (or atleast i think he still does that) holding it down in the back. in the front none other than alin! the guy who officially calls me drips. and last but not least. matt i almost drank acid instead of water cash

so much fun even god had to intervene

good tabacky and beer out of nice glasses. nuff said
dj orange dubzzzzz

hot girls. dancing on eachother. i wish i could have gotten xavier in this pic he was fucking the life of awesome last night

toxie vs dj orange dubs and someones fat head

guest apperance by pancho, the reddst polo i ever seen. joel. he holds ti down for fingerlickin on wednesdays. pauleys friends and pauleys official back of the head shot.
thats all
have a nice day