so last night was the beginning of a great adventurous week full of crazy night and death.
these guys where mostly responsible for what went down.
of course i myself had a lot to do with it, but i give myself too much credit anyways.

upstairs i met this homeless dude
a pro wrestler
and some random dude.

they where showing this movie, this girl is so hot in this fucking movie every time u think about it a unicorn dies. the movie went great with he music last night.

i think this guy dropped something. he kept reaching fort shit back there.

the pro wrestler and his manager

some fucking bottle service type ish

so after listening to this guy for a little while (DIRTY RETRO DJ's) i went across the bridge to miami's very own haven for the criminally insane.

heres rafa the "im too hiphop to have a birthday today" kinda guy
we sat in the back and spoke about hip hop and hip hop culture. i felt like i was emersed in the culture, surounded by graffiti and music and breakdancers
it was awesome.
makes me want to go back in time. and be a backpacker again

we play with balls here, no homo

thats sasha, hes scared because we dont put enough tabacoo into our wacky tabacky. that and hes from the french part of switzerland. i dont know how that wokrs but it does.

this guy right here, thats his magical leprechaun flute that he got from this guy

thats the bartender, shes so dreamy

thats happy to be here juanito, with the dreamy manager. shes not impressed with this whole happy to b here thing.

did i say emersed in hip hop culture. i felt so hip hop i was bleeding krs-one

so when i decided that i had enough hiphop i went inside and heard the sounds of D-D-D-D-j
andrews aka

this guy
and minicheese burgers at dennys
thats how we doo.
stay tunned
your afro brother
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