so i ran into this guy jake at Publix, he was looking for some colard greens. we got into a conversation about music and life and shit so i decided to make him the first interviewy for the blog. he just seemed so peachy i couldnt resist.
so this here is Jake Jefferson, not jake from the jeffersons
or jake from hialeah. Its jake jefferson (who has a better sounding name than mine)
Camp Deuce: so jake for thos who dont know, how long have u been doing what you're doing?
meaning the whole party thing?
Jake Jefferson: too long but not long enough
CD:i hear from people in the cereal isle that u are also into the whole music thing, how did that come about?
JJ:starting making hip hop beats around 2000 with my boy dj tosh.
CD:whats up with this chile situation?
JJ:what situation?
CD:how do you see the south florida scene? you've been around (the block) how does it compare to whats going on everywhere else?
JJ:"its about to blow!!!" just keep saying that every year so when it does you can be like "i tol you so"
CD:hows it feel to be the only guy in the world to own a leprechaun flute?
JJ:I also got a skin flute...
do you like it? the ladies do...
CD:you own records and i know you go digging( sorry for putting you out there)
why dont you dj?
JJ:im working on it
CD:what do you like/ not like about miami djs. do you see a difference in cd djs laptop djs serato djs and vinyl djs?
JJ:its kinda strange to me when kids have their first DJ experience ever with Serato...like they never dj'd with out a laptop, so they look at the screen the whole time like its a tv...
CD:how do you feel about the whole blog music thing?
JJ:its ok...nice way to get exposure...at the sametime I hate going out and hearing 89 blog remixes in a row from people I've never heard of...
CD:rum or vodka?
CD:paper or plastic?
CD:tacobell or wendys?
CD:when was the last time u cried/ shed a tear?
CD:pepsi/ coke/ or fanta?
JJ:i quit soda
CD:to be or not to be?
JJ:to be!!!
CD:club rap or 90s hiphop?
JJ:90's hiphop...unless im in the club
CD:for the ladiesout there. what are some of your hobbies and past times, and who are some of your afavorite artists, djs, movies, and shit like that. u know
aside from us?
JJ:I like hanging and bangin....and not having a day job...
CD:any last words, shout outs to your homies? or anything youd like to get off your chest (aslong asits not about me) go for it.
JJ:shout out to DJ Contra, Xavier, Induce, Juan, the whole Stunna Crew and the One More DayOne More Day Posse.....
interviewed by ds
I read that does not understand it.
cong ty tham tu
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thanks for the post.
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